Tea All Around Me!

Hello! And welcome back to another one of my blogs! Today I am going to talk about one of the places I visited in Bangladesh when I was a kid, and that was one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. 

This was back in December 2009. I was an 8-year-old kid without exposure to the world outside the city since we rarely went on family trips. So, that was the first time I went outside the city. I did go to other places in Bangladesh before that, but I was too little to remember anything, so I don’t like to count it as going outside the city. Anyway, we went to a district called Sylhet in Bangladesh. They speak a different dialect there, so I felt like I was in a foreign country. 

We visited many beautiful places in Sylhet, but there was this one particular place that I found pretty interesting. It’s called the tea garden. The place is quite renowned in Bangladesh, and being able to see it in person felt great. The first thing I noticed after entering the area was the aroma of tea all around the place. It smelled like tea everywhere, but they were actually coming from the leaves. And what I found the most fascinating was that it did not seem like those trees were used to produce tea. And until then, I was only familiar with processed tea leaves which looked like powder to me. So being able to learn how they are prepared and what they look like unprocessed was interesting. 

A picture of me at the Tea Garden.

After the tea garden, we went to this cafe famous for serving seven layers of tea, which is called “shaat ronger cha” in Bengali. At the time, it was pretty famous until later, after a few years, people figured out how to make it at home and how easy it was to make. Anyway, I remember it was during sunset the next day; we were passing by a really big field. I asked my Dad to pull over the car because I wanted to go there. That field was the highlight of my trip to Sylhet. As a kid raised in the city, I had never seen such a huge grass field before. And to make things better, there were cows grazing in the field, and my Dad took a bunch of pictures of me with the cows. 

A picture of me with a calf in the field.

Both of these memories are big parts of my fascination for nature. I wish I could go to that time again and relive those days, but I feel like through the pictures, my Dad took of me in that field, I can go there whenever I like. Therefore, I am glad I went on a trip to Sylhet that winter with my family. We did go on several trips after that, but that vacation was special to me. Perhaps it was after that trip that I became a keen admirer of nature and started paying more attention to it. If any of you reading this blog ever visit Bangladesh, I highly recommend visiting Sylhet.

Quick video on how tea is made.

4 responses to “Tea All Around Me!”

  1. The way you described the aroma of tea in the air and your fascination with seeing unprocessed tea leaves was quite vivid. The pictures you shared of yourself in the tea garden and with the cows in the field were lovely, and it seems like you had a great time during your trip. It is also nice to hear that this trip has played a role in your admiration for nature. Thank you for sharing your story.

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  2. I enjoyed reading this it made me want to go and make tea for myself too. You describing the field that you went to with all of the tea leaves was really nice and it made me want to experience a scent like that myself. When we are young we often get fascinated by many things and we wish we could take ourselves back to that moment

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I can easily relate to being in a big open field for the first time. Back home in the Philippines my family has some farm land and we went to visit the people who take care of it for us. It had just rained and experiencing actual mud on my bare feet in a huge field was such a new experience for me as a little kid. You can’t really experience that as a kid in America unless you don’t live in a city or a suburb. You would have to pay to go to a petting zoo here, but there I was getting up close to the bulls and other animals for free.

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  4. Having lived and existed in suburban NJ for my whole life, sights like those are completely alien to me. I wish I could have those experiences here! The pictures you attached seem like such pleasant memories.

    Liked by 1 person

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