• Mission Statement

    Nature is one of the most mesmerizing things the world can offer. I have grown up admiring nature. I remember watching Animal Planet with my Dad as a kid, and ever since then, I have found a keen fascination towards wildlife and nature. My particular interest is wildlife. I want to share my interest in nature with everybody else who may be interested in it the same way I am. Furthermore, they can relate to me and my passion for nature.

    Image by Luis del Río via https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-walking-between-green-forest-trees-15286/

    I find it fascinating how mother nature hosts so many living beings, including the animals in the wild, who survive on their own and work hard from the day they put their first step into this world. Every animal, whether in the African savannah or the Sundarbans, has adapted to its environment over the years. Moreover, the more I watch documentaries about that, the more I fall in love with them. It is also quite amusing how every animal is built for survival. For example, the lion’s skin is light brown, which completely blends in with the dry grassland of the savannah. On the other hand, their favorite prey, the Zebra, is black and white. Lions have black and white vision, so whenever they see a herd of zebras, their eyes get confused by the color, making it even harder for them to hunt. 

    Aquatic World
    Aquatic nature is also a big part of nature since most of the earth is covered by water. There is a different and beautiful world underneath the ocean where living beings exist. Some species have survived millions of years, like the Great White Shark. Furthermore, a vast portion of that world hasn’t even been explored yet.

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