Almost Died!

Hello! Welcome back to another one of my blogs! I am sure most people have encountered a thunderstorm before, even once in their lives. However, I don’t think most people are dumb enough to go out for a ride on their bikes during a thunderstorm like my best friend and me. So, today I am going to tell you guys about an incident where I almost got killed by a thunderstorm.

Many of you who read my last blog probably saw a picture of lightning and me saying how much I find thunderstorms and lightning fascinating, even though it tried to kill me four years prior to when the picture was taken. Although, it was our fault for the most part. I even remember the exact day it happened: March 6, 2016. I remember my best friend wanting to go out to ride our bikes like we always do, but since there was a thunderstorm, we decided to call it off for the day. I wish we had gone forward with that decision, but both of us came up with the bright idea of going out for a ride anyway, thinking what could have possibly happened. In the beginning, it was smooth sailing. We were enjoying ourselves in the light drizzle of rain. However, after a few moments, everything took a steep turn into disaster road. The wind was blowing so hard that we could not ride, push the pedals, and go forward with our bikes. To make things worse, we were in the middle of the street. This happened back in Bangladesh, and there are tricycles called rickshaws on the road that you can ride to go from one place to another used as public transport. The rickshaws operate by pedals too, so there were not able to go forward either. And because of their weight, they were coming backwards towards us. My glasses, of course, blew away with the wind making my eyesight even worse. Moreover, the wind was so harsh that we could not keep our eyes open anyway. I peeked a little bit, and saw my friend pushing a rickshaw with all his strength just to prevent it from running him over. I thought I would die that day, but after a few minutes, the wind became tame enough for us to go forward with our bikes again. And luckily, my place was just nearby. So we pedaled our way to safety. Although that was an experience I will never forget in my entire life.

This would’ve been me if the wind didn’t stop.

Even though the incident could almost take our lives, I feel it was something memorable and to laugh about looking back. It may sound weird, but I am glad I went out on my bike with my best friend in the thunderstorm. Sometimes the most incredible memories are created with the dumbest and the most impulsive decisions. Now, I am not saying to risk your lives as we did just for fun. That’s not okay! But making impulsive choices with your friends, like going on a nice trip somewhere, may be worthwhile because something overthinking might cause you not to do it at all.

What me and my friend thought we were.

6 responses to “Almost Died!”

  1. Weather in SEA sounds crazy. I can’t imagine a wind so strong it would have gotten me killed here! I’m glad to hear that you made it out alright! You’re definitely right that you have to not be impulsive–checking the weather forecast is a thing for a reason!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That is a really crazy story. I do agree with the fact that when you are with your friends you are bound to do so many stupid things, but those things make up to become great experiences and strengthen the friendship that you guys have

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi, Reeham, thanks for sharing this story with us, I believe that it is just insane that things like this happen, and it is really a story that you will tell for probably your entire life. But when things like this happen it makes us appreciate life more. I think that everything happens for a reason, so this situation was meant to happen and it was meant to be something for you to always look back on.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m glad you’re ok, and now you have a super cool story to tell from it! This is super cool to hear the perspective of someone brave because I’m the type of person to immediately back out from something hearing it may be unsafe… I’ve definitely done some risky stuff but nothing like this. I hope this experience only strengthened the bond between you and your friend, and I’m excited to read more of your blog!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh my gosh Reeham. This is such a cool story but I’m really glad that you’re living to tell this story. Wow. I mean, you can recall and laugh about it now, but I bet it would have been really scary for you at that moment… Like your glasses being all gone… But I once read that it’s quite rare to experience thunderstorms and lightnings together at the scene, so maybe you have the luck to be in the top 1%! Although I don’t want to be involved in lightnings, but still making spontaneous and impulsive decisions with friends are always fun. Thanks for the cool story!!🤣

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  6. We all make impulsive decisions sometimes. I’m glad that you and your friend made it back safely. It’s true that sometimes the most memorable experiences come from taking risks and making impulsive decisions, but we should always weigh the risks and potential consequences before doing so. Thank you for the reminder to be mindful of our decisions, and I’m glad that you can look back on this experience with a positive attitude.


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